Technological innovation is the driving force that is moving many companies, whatever their field, to position themselves before their competition with better efficiency or benefits for their customers. And that is why it is as important to implement these technologies as it is to be up-to-date with what is to come.
That is why INESE annually presents its Services Guide for the Insurance Sector as a supplement to the September issue of its magazine Actualidad Aseguradora. In it, not only companies providing technological services are represented, but also those that provide value for claims, legal or financial services, among others.
And of course, among the technology companies is Serimag with its proposal of digital back office services and automated document processing. With almost 10 years of experience in the financial and insurance sector, its Artificial Intelligence based system has proven to be able to process huge amounts of documents in multiple formats with excellent results, which is why we have always received great customer satisfaction.
Specifically, we are talking about having processed around 400,000,000 pages during 2020. In other words: every day more than 1 million pages are being processed. Therefore, the infrastructure to support such a workload has been increased to more than 2,000 processing units, which are working 24/7 to automate around 80% of the tasks. Its impact: 50% cost reduction, greater control over the process, regulatory compliance, etc.
In Serimag we will continue working to offer a quality service, both in development and throughout its implementation in production, in the most demanding environments. As we have been demonstrating during all these years with projects with increasing relevance for our customers.